Priceline hotel and flight packages
Priceline hotel and flight packages

priceline hotel and flight packages

Choose the number of travelers from the drop-down menu.Select your dates on the Departing-Returning flight calendar.Enter your departing city and destination.Choose “Round-trip,” “One-way,” or “Multi-destination”.When you’re ready to search for specific destinations and itineraries, you can either use the search feature at the top of the page or scroll down to the Trip Builder if you want to book your flight and hotel at the same time. You can also find exclusive deals only in the app, so it might be worth downloading on your hunt to find the best prices. You can scroll down to see package deals on a carousel, or scroll down further to see deals by city. Check out these insider tips to help you make the most of your shopping experience on Priceline.īefore you search for flights, you may want to check out some of Priceline’s advertised deals. Priceline has several features that help you get the best deals, and while they’re all relatively intuitive to use, it’s worth understanding how each one works to maximize your savings. It’s a one-stop shop for finding flights, hotels, and rental cars, so you can book your entire trip faster. Thankfully, Priceline makes searching for the lowest prices super simple to. Frugal travelers love finding that absurdly low fare on a flight to a coveted destination or a deeply discounted night at a resort - but we don’t want to spend hours researching prices at individual airlines or hotels.

Priceline hotel and flight packages